danielle ys
1 min readSep 14, 2019


Great Escape Artist

I hold few large possessions.

The mark of a great escape artist.

I carry the weight of my life’s treasures on my back.

Marks of a great escape artist.

I nest quickly and with ease, small trinkets from

far-off lands littered lovingly

around my room,


to be gathered into my arms and

carried away.

My superpower of choice is to shrink and grow anything;

imagine suitcases, that fit in your pocket!

clothing, that you can never outgrow!

furniture, that you can hold in the palm of your hand!

Marks to a great escape artist.

Forever thinking about the next move;

what happens to all of this when you’re gone,

when I’m gone?

Where do I sleep if we ditch our two queens

in favor of this king,

if we are not We?

Who will raise me, mom, if you

die in a car crash coming home from your date?

Marks on a great escape artist.

How can I sleep at night knowing



someone is lonely

Because they loved a great escape artist?



danielle ys

I write to explore the inner-workings of our world. I work to tease apart what is in the mind, versus what is in the heart. I serve to help open your Inner i.